Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I had dinner with a few friends the other night. As I was parking I noticed a couple that was standing outside waiting for their table. It was my best friend from high school and her husband! I hadn't seen her since the day her third son was born. He is three now. I immediately brought her over to my car to meet Maysie and briefly fill her in on the Jerry Springer events that have transpired over the last year (it was a year to the date as a matter of fact). We exchanged numbers; we're having lunch today. It's funny how someone you are so close to can so easily slip out of your life. "J" and I were together nearly everyday from our junior year in school until around the time she got married. We even went on spring break trips together when I was at the University. I was in her wedding, and she was in mine. We still hung out after she was married, but not as frequently as both our lives were taking different paths. When her first child was born -he's in third grade now- I saw even less of her. I attended birthday parties and would stop by occationally, but it was hard for her to get out- I understand now how hard it is! Then she had her second- she is 5 and graduating from preschool-and the visits were fewer and farther between. The last time I saw her before Saturday, I hadn't seen her in several months. I've thought about her a lot over the past 3 years, but didn't know how to get in touch with her. I was so busy I could never find the time, either.
I'm a big believer that things happen for a reason, even with everything that's happened recently. I feel I was meant to run in to her at this time in my life so we could reconnect. When I saw her it was like no time had passed at all. She was the kind of friend where we could just hang out and not speak, but not get bored either. We were always able to find something to do. We didn't ever discuss deep feelings or life issues, we just had fun. We would make silly videos -commercial spoofs, lip sync'ing- the kind where when I show someone else, I'm the only one laughing. We took all sorts of road trips, too. I'm so glad that we found each other again!

I love my friends. It's hard at this stage in life to keep close in touch, though. All of them are busy with school, careers, relationships- as am I. Now I have my precious Maysie, so getting together is even harder. I was always the one to coordinate the get togethers or trips, but I'm preoccipied these days! Everyone seems so scattered to the wind. But the great part about my friends is if I were to plan a gathering, I know they would all be there.

My good friend "K" comes to see us every Thursday after work. She keeps me posted with the goings on at school. We teach down the hall from each other. We've been friends since her first year at the school. We're usually seen together in the lounge or hall before and after school, but this next year I'll be moving to a school a block away! I don't know how we will survive without one another just steps away. We'll have to have our weekly dates after school.

My friends have stuck by me and supported me unconditionally through out the divorce and the whole ordeal with Maysie's daddy. My good friend "L" gifted me with her kind words and strength after T left. She was there to peel me up off the floor during Christmas break when I was at my lowest point. Without her, I'm not sure I would have made it to where I am with as much strength as I have. We have a connection that runs deeper than just friends; her 2 year old daughter and Maysie are half sisters, but all sister as far as we are concerned.

Maysie and I are so blessed to be surrounded by so much love from my friends and AWESOME family. How did we get so lucky?

Oh- Mouse update...that sneaky little bastard got into the trap, took the food, and somehow got back out again!! Curses- foiled again!!

1 comment:

Just J for now said...

What a blessing to reconnect with an old friend. I'm really happy for you.