Friday, June 20, 2008

New Maysie Pics!!

I really need a new camera! I would love one of those fancy DSLR's!! My sister-in-law has one; I'm so jealous. It takes awesome pictures.

I need a camera that can accurately capture Maysie's cuteness; my camera somehow just doesn't do her justice! She's so lively and animated, cooing, smiling, and giggling all the time for me, but as soon as the camera is pointed on her she stares blankly.
Or the flash is too bright and the click is so loud that is startles her and I get something like this....
(This pic really cracks me up!)

and the shutter is delayed. Often, I depress the button as she's making the cutest face, but I this is what I get.

Occationally, I am able to grab a good face, though! This one I took with my arm extended trying to point in the right direction. I also took several pictures of my wall using the same technique.
Here is my attempt at being artsy with a moving subject, poor lighting, that darned delayed shutter, and no flash (lest I get startled face again!). Ain't she sweet!!!

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