Monday, September 22, 2008

Half a year

Maysie turned 6 months last Tuesday! She has two teeth now, though only one is in enough to be felt- it's sharp!! I can see the other one, but it's still flush with her gums. She is sitting up- still a bit wobbly here and there, but she can balance fairly well! She can pivot on her tummy to ge to a toy she wants. She walks with help, too. It's funny to watch her; she steps on her own feet. I call it her runway walk because she crosses her feet over each other and steps on her toes. Just tonight she was sitting in the floor by me. She grabbed my arm and pulled herself to standing! She may just skip crawling all together. She is very good about going to bed on time without a fuss at 7:30; even when she is awake when I put her down. She still wakes up at least once at night, and sometimes has trouble going back to bed. I'm working on that, but she is teething so it's hard to ignore her cries when I think she might be hurting and just wants some comfort. Because of the sprouting pearlies, she is in the "grab whatever I can and pull it into my mouth" phase. No hair or finger is safe! I may have some serious bald spots before she's done- she's quick!! Here are some recent pics. She's so stinking adorable!

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