Thursday, September 4, 2008

I haven't dropped off the earth......

.....I've just been busy. School started. I went back on the 11th of August; the students followed the next Monday. So far, I have a good bunch of kids, and I'm enjoying myself. I feel a bit lost with my reading class at times; I've not taught reading before, but I know who to go to for support. Maysie is nearly 6 months old! She is a champ with solid foods and she's a pro at rolling over! She can almost sit without my help, too! And the cute faces and noised she makes now........I can hardly stand it! Just in the last few days she has started wrinkling up her nose at times when she smiles or laughs . She also loves to blow a raspberry. And she's "talking". She says "Uhma, uhma." When she strings them together...."uhmamamamama" which, of course, I love! Sometimes she just says "mama". We don't use the "D" word in our house.
Speaking of house, I've decided to give mine back to the bank. I can't afford it anymore, I'm thousands of dollars behind on my mortgage. My efforts to be proactive and look into options for payment before I fell behind were in vain. By the time my paperwork was processed (three months AFTER I called to request assistance because I recognized that I wouldn't be able to make my next payment) I was too far behind in payments for any options they were presenting at that time. So, they can have the damn thing. It's too big for me and Maysie, the bugs and mice are taking over- not to mention the weeds! I feel like it's caving in on me. I figure if I don't give it up, then they will take it by foreclosure. This way is the lesser of two evils. Now I'm just playing the waiting game to see if I'm even eligible to give my house back; to see if my lender will even accept the deed. If not, then I guess I'll just sit here in the spider webs and mouse poop until they kick me out. No one is buying; no one's even looking.
Needless to say, I've been a bit distracted by life in general. My blog has taken a back seat to the world around me. No gray hairs yet, though....


Charles Riedmueller said...

"Speaking of house, I've decided to give mine back to the bank"

Wow, that's a big step, but I figured it would be coming eventually. And I'm sure it is the best option. You aren't alone... there's even a new term "jingle mail" to describe all of the people who have given up, moved out, and mailed the keys to their (Sr?) mortgage holders. I bet it makes you wish you had the carpet money back though.

I hope it works out OK for you and that the down payment will be enough to offset the market correction. Regardless, there's only so much blood in a turnip, right? They can't take what is most important.

Daisy said...

Sorry about your house! The market is terrible right now! We were thinking of selling our condo, but there are about 6 others that have been sitting on the market for months, so I don't think it's possible! Good luck!