Saturday, July 12, 2008

Generation Technology

I took my camera to the daycare last week. Kids are such hams; they love to stand like little statues in from of the camera and put on their most polite smile hoping I will snap a picture of them. Each time I did, the child immediately requested, "I wanna see!".

I remember the day when I had to wait until all the film was used, then a week for development. If I wanted an instant picture, I had to shake it for 30 seconds first!

My, how time and technology have changed the future leaders of our country (scary thought, isn't it!) Today's youth is so eager to move with the changing gadgets, but it seems the older folks are still holding on to what they know. My mom, for example, still has and uses her 35 mm film camera. My parents finally got cell phones, but Mom's is only on when she is out- if she remembers to turn it on. They have a land line with an answering machine at home . I haven't used one of those in nearly 10 years! I, on the other hand, still listen only to CD's or the radio; I don't own an iPod or MP3 player. I also just last year started using text on my cell phone, but I refuse to use the shortened lingo. Sure it takes more time, but I'm an English teacher. I just can't bring myself to do it! So, I guess I'm a bit stuck myself.

It makes me wonder what could possibly be next? What sorts of gadgets will Maysie be teaching me to use one day?

Even the more mundane items are newfangled for some. My mom took Maysie shopping the other day. I had to give her a mini lesson on how to secure the carrier to the car seat booster, and show her how to open and callapse the stroller. I've seen a picture of me when I was about 1 sitting in my car seat. It looked like one of those bleacher seats you can buy so you can sit and have a bit of back support at a sports event. Nothing like the "fasten here, here, here, and here," car seats we use today. Crazy! It makes me want to save my electronics as they are replaced, relics of an accelerated development techo-world!


Just J for now said...

And McCain doesn't even know how to use the internet! Scary.

Momma C said...

Now, there's no excuse for that!